Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dead plants to blooming flowers

Spring has definitely sprung!! The sun is warm, the azaleas are peeping out of their buds and the birds are rejoicing in the trees. We have had a long winter and everyone is excited to share in the freedom that Spring brings.
I am not a plant person and actually am as far from having a green thumb as can be. I do enjoy though purchasing annuals and ferns to make my yard look colorful and pretty. Today I ventured out to find some hanging plants and possibly a fern. It seemed like the perfect day for this type of outing.
I ended up at Wal Mart and walked for a while through their outdoor plant section. The fresh smell of soil and blooming plants wafted through the air as I browsed and thought about which plants will last the longest for me this year. I chose a large beautiful green fern with healthy leaves and a smaller pink geranium. I wasn't able to find anything for my porch, but was satisfied with my choices to begin the process of beautifying my yard. Both plants were healthy and the geranium was blooming...these were good signs for me that the plants were living....hopefully I can keep them this way for the next couple of months!!
I found the check out line and sighed a bit as it was longer than I wanted to wait. I walked into my spot and began the waiting process, trying to understand why the lady that was three spots ahead of me did not have any plants but all food and paper products. She really needed to check out in the other part of the store!! :)
Well as I was thinking these self-centered thoughts, I noticed the woman in front of me with an entire flat of dead plants. What in the world is she buying those for? I thought to myself. What a waste of time and money!! What is she going to do with them??
At that exact moment, God touched my heart and spoke softly to me. He whispered," I can make all things alive again and this is exactly what this woman is doing. Don't be so judgemental. This is her gift and I love to watch the gifts that I give people in action"
WOW!! I thought to myself. This sweet woman was going to take these dead plants and water them, feed them and give them the tender loving care that they need to be revived. She is going to care for them and not discard them just because of how they look. It takes a special person to nurse these plants back to life and she is going to be the one to do it!!
I then was able to understand the lesson that God was showing me. He was saying loud and clear......I don't make any mistakes. Each and every person that I create is special and I love them. I take people who are dead in their sins and exhausted with life's ups and downs and mold their hearts into blooming flowers. I don't pass anyone by....including you, Tracy. I love you and will continue to work in your life even when you are down, depressed and angry. I will always be here for you to nurse you back to health and love you unconditionally. I will never leave you or forsake you.
I now understood God's lesson for me today. How amazing is it that He can speak and teach anywhere that He desires. Even in the long line at the local Wal Mart. Thank you Lord for putting that woman in front of me and thank you that she has the gift of loving plants that are almost dead and bringing them back to life. Thank you for loving me and assuring me that life with you is forever.


  1. The Lord whispers to us frequently but most of aren't listening. I'm glad you heard His whispers. Hearing God's whispers and replying with "air prayers" shows spiritual growth. I love your post. Here's mine, with a wish for your garden. :-)
    Kind hearts are the garden, kind thoughts are the roots.
    Kind words are the flowers, kind deeds are the fruit.
    Take care of your garden, and keep out the weeds,
    Fill it with sunshine, kind words, and kind deeds.

  2. Thanks for coming by my blog to say hi. Your post was a gift for me, reminding me to be open to those moments when there is a deeper meaning to be learned if only one is open to it. Hope you have a great weekend.
