Friday, April 2, 2010

A Good Friday

It has been about a week since I have been able to blog. I have had many thoughts running through my mind, but today I felt the conviction to write.
It has been and is a good Friday today. Fridays are usually good as it is the end of the work week and a time to relax with family and friends. This Friday is especially good because it is the beginning of Spring Break for the Virginia Beach Schools and the weather forecast looks incredible. It is a good Friday because I was able to share lunch with a dear friend of mine. It is a good Friday because I have almost made it two weeks without any dairy or meat on my diet (I will blog about this soon!!) It is a good Friday because I can look forward to quality time with my children and husband this weekend and next week.
BUT, the reason why this Friday is the best Friday of all is because of what Jesus did for each one of us on this day. God sent his only son, Jesus to come to earth, live as a man, and die for our sins so that we can be saved and have eternal life. The torturous beatings, the mockery and the unthinkable death by crucifixion were for each one of us. Jesus gave his life so that you and I can have ETERNAL life. It is a difficult thing to process and understand, but I know that it is true and that each one of us can receive this gift.
This particular Friday is good because Jesus dying is not the end. Three days later he rose from the dead. His resurrection is what Christians all around the world will be celebrating this Sunday. It is the seal of truth that guarantees our life in heaven.
All you need to do is RECEIVE this gift....just as if someone were giving you a gift for your birthday or Christmas. Would you reject it?? Probably not, but many of us reject the gift of eternal life from Jesus. Why is that??? Is it ignorance, embarrassment, unbelief, busyness???? I know that before I received this gift, I thought people who loved Jesus were a bit off of their rocker....Jesus freaks if you know what I mean!! Once I understood that all I needed to do was ask Jesus into my heart and for Him to be the ruler of my life, confess that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do about my sin, ask for forgiveness, and accept the gift from Jesus of eternal life, my entire world was changed. He has done more in my life than I ever thought possible and I am pretty sure that I am not off of my rocker!! :) Plus, now I have the absolute assurance that once my life on this earth is over that I will live eternally with Him. I also know that eternity is much longer than the life that I will have here and heaven will be a complete place of bliss with no tears and no pain.
I will rejoice in the gift of God's son this weekend and remember the torture that Jesus endured for me. Happy Easter!!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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